Make wellbeing a priority for 10m people, across 84 countries.

Explore the project


Focus on the 85%

Most major cities across the world have a wellbeing engagement crisis, with none having a population of more than 15% that meets the baseline ‘active’ criteria set by the World Health Organisation. This number has not changed since 2001 - proving that the boom in wellness is focused on the 15% that is already consciously active.

LVL’s mission is to change that, by building a global platform that focuses on enabling sustainable wellbeing behaviours for the 85%. The platform brings together a diverse network of experts, coaches and facilities who work together in introducing wellbeing to the whole world.


In it for life

Every action taken to improve someone’s wellbeing has an impact that goes way beyond the short-term, it lasts for life.

Redefining the relationship with users to think about their long-term journey and rewarding marginal gains, allows LVL to overcome the challenges around short term abandonment and churn. The time horizon gives LVL the opportunity to enable the behavioural changes needed to unlock progress. 

Lifetime sponsorship

Recognising that the ability to financially invest in your own well being is one of the biggest barriers to engagement. LVL’s model allows companies, employers and brands to sponsor the wellbeing journey of each individual - relative to the value that each person has to their business. Those that hold the longest relationships are willing to pay the most.

With each user being able to combine the benefit they receive from different companies, the cost of the wellbeing incentive can be entirely subsidised.