365 days, 45 charities, 1 person - to change the perception of working in the not-for-profit sector.

Explore the project

Be newsworthy

Transforming this story from a cause to an opportunity is what captured the attention of the global media - a chance to celebrate a real hero and a good news story. This activated the noise that had already been generated from the combined reach of all 45 charities, with national and international press, along with prime time TV making this a real sensation.

The program was extensively covered by national press including the The Telegraph, The Daily Mail and the BBC - along with continued coverage from both the Huffington Post and the Washington Post. ITV went on to produce a dedicated 1 hr prime time documentary about the initiative - called ‘Real Stories’.

It didn’t stop there, over 120 local press publications, 30 local radio stations and TV stations and countless magazines - including the industry’s most important publication ‘Third Sector’ published incredible stories about the message we wanted to share with the nation.

Make it of national importance

The perceptions about working in the charitable sector stem for all parts of society - including what children are exposed to within education and the tax incentives that are put in place at work. In order to really move the needle and to legitimise a career in this area, we needed the cohesive support from everyone across government.

Both the program and the winner Luke, were recognised under the Prime Minister’s Points of Light Award - cementing the importance of this initiative and the work that is needed to be done for us to build a country where people strive to work together.

Offer real jobs

The ‘Dream Job’ was only the start, it was designed to inspire and expose people to what working with a real purposes can mean to you. But in order to drive real conversion and get people into the industry, we needed to ensure that job roles could compete with the for-profit sector for the best talent around.

The spin-off was the creation of a ‘not-for-profit’ dedicated recruitment agency, called ‘Nicest Jobs’. A specialised group of top-tier recruiters who with years of experience, knew what it took to build an employer brand proposition that could successfully attract top talent. Within weeks ‘Nicest Jobs’ became one of the largest platforms for recruitment in the sector.